American Pride Rises

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

is a centuries-old movement dedicated to upholding American values.

Why Support DEI

A diverse America represents our nation at its best

The movement to be a more equitable and inclusive society has been at the center of progress in our nation – pushing for policies and initiatives that demand America live up to the Constitution’s promises.

From civil rights to gender rights to labor rights, those who fight for DEI are continuing the movement to ensure all Americans have access to their own American Dream.

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About American Pride Rises

A Commitment to Expand Opportunity

We’re a network of organizations committed to protecting pathways to the American Dream, so every community in our nation has the ability to thrive.

We fight to create equitable opportunities for every American to have full access to fundamental rights and freedoms and full participation in our democracy.

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DEI is about creating
opportunity for everyone no exceptions

At its core, DEI is about creating equitable opportunity for all – not special privileges for some. Our nation thrives when pathways to the American Dream are free of the historic, institutional and systemic barriers that leave too many communities behind.

We all benefit when our merits are allowed to speak for themselves and opportunity to achieve your American Dream is not based on your background or zip code.