is a centuries-old movement dedicated to upholding American values.

A diverse America represents our
nation at its best.

From civil rights to gender rights to labor rights, those who fight for DEI are continuing the movement to uphold the freedom for all Americans to access life, liberty and happiness.

Thank you for being part of the movement.


Diversity means all people.

America is, and always has been, made up of people from all walks of life. Diversity is our strength: generating new ideas, boosting our economy and leading to prosperity for everyone in our nation.

Organizations that reflect the diversity of America are best positioned to tap into the brain power, resources and cultural capital that each community holds.

Without diversity, American institutions risk losing top talent, relevance and loyalty in a fast-moving world.

Equity is fair access to opportunity.

America was founded on the idea that everyone should have a fair chance at success.

Equity repairs historical and ongoing systems of inequality, ensures just access to resources for success, and lays the foundation for a person to achieve their full potential and contribute productively to their families, communities and our nation.

Without equity, the promise of opportunity fades away for hard-working Americans everywhere — and if that promise fades, so does our country’s competitive edge.

Inclusion is participating in
the American Dream.

As a nation, we value kinship, community and access to opportunity: American values that many give their lives to protect.

We are made stronger when we use our collective knowledge and talents to move our nation forward.

Without inclusion, we exclude people from education and business. We dishonor our values. We hinder progress, innovation and leadership. And we diminish the American Dream.

We are dedicated to a shared vision of a nation with pathways to the American Dream for all. Join us.

For general inquiries, please contact info@aprnetwork.org

For media inquiries, please contact media@aprnetwork.org



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