What is dei?

Know the basics

DEI isn’t optional; it’s essential.

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) describes values that have historically benefited all Americans by working to ensure that everyone, no matter who they are or where they come from, has access to their own American Dream.

Watch the video to understand how DEI unites us.

What dei stands for

Diversity is more than the complex representation of factors such as ability, age, citizenship status, class, ethnicity, faith background, gender expression, gender identity, geographic region, national origin, neurodiversity, race, and sexual orientation that comprise individual and group expressions of identity.

Diversity is America’s strength by bringing together varied backgrounds and identities to forge democracy, cultural richness, innovation, and economic prosperity.

Diversity allows everyone in our nation to contribute their talents, knowledge, identities, and hopes to grow its evolution.

America was founded on the idea that everyone should have a fair chance at success, but for too long, many communities in our nation have experienced historic and ongoing systems of inequality that have erected unjust barriers on the pathways to opportunity.

Equity is about ensuring all people receive fair treatment and just access to resources for success. It lays the foundation for a person to achieve their full potential and contribute productively to their families, communities and our nation.

Inclusion provides the conditions for every person to fully participate in our nation’s democracy and removes unjust hurdles that stand in the way of opportunity. It is essential to leveraging the wealth of experiences within America to drive collective success as a nation.

Without inclusion, we dishonor core American values, hinder our nation’s progress and innovation, and diminish the ability for everyone in our nation to create their own American Dream.

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